Case Studies


Teges and RPS Communications Showcase i-Rounds Wireless and Video Solutions at the PCIC Conference. The Teges Corporation and RPS Communications launched the integration of their two technologies that will further revolutionize the Pediatric ICU.

i-Rounds™ VC T Multimedia Monitoring System for the ICU was exhibited at the 5th International Symposium on Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care in Miami, Florida. This conference focused on the latest topics in pediatric cardiac intensive care. The Teges wireless i-Rounds™ solution runs on a Tablet PC supplied by Motion Computing Incorporated. The Motion Computing Tablet has been optimized to enable the voice component of i-Rounds. The video monitoring system was provided by RPS Communications.

Conference Director, Dr. Anthony Chang, MA, MBA, commented: "We were pleased that Teges was a sponsors of the PCIC Symposium. Demonstrating this video voice solution is in keeping with our objective of bringing the latest ICU innovations to the attendees."

i-Rounds™, the latest evolution of medical rounds for the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), is an integrated clinical information system that provides physicians, intensivists, and other healthcare providers instant access to critical patient data through a single Web interface. The i-Rounds solution pulls together disparate pieces of patient records previously accessible only on separate databases or printed on paper. For example, lab tests that previously took hours to collect and manually charted are now almost instantly visible. Fluctuations in blood pressure can be rapidly graphed. Medication dosages and respiratory rates can be input and analyzed at the patient’s bedside. Catheterization and echo reports, Radiology images, intra-operative digital cardiac images are also available in real-time, from any web-enabled device.

With the wireless video cart, physicians can do rounds visually and remotely. There is also a screen for video conferencing, which allows the physician to view patients in remote facilities and conference-in other physicians when necessary. This wireless cart can be moved from room to room, without requiring a hard-wired video camera in each ICU room. Not only is this an integrated and flexible clinical system, it is also a cost effective solution for the hospitals.

Dr. Anthony Rossi, Director of the Cardiovascular Surgery ICU at Miami Children’s Hospital noted that “the i-Rounds™ video monitoring system is one of the most exciting advances in medical informatics to arrive in years. This system will allow us to almost literally round on patients hundreds of miles from our primary center. This system brings the consultant to the bedside, no matter where the patient is located. Patients, families, and less experienced clinicians will now benefit from the expertise of the most respected consultants, no matter where in the world they may be.”

The Teges database has also been optimized for voice input. Now, physicians and nurses have the option of using voice commands to access patient records and voice fill to enter repetitive patient information. Dictation can now be recorded and stored as a wave file, then sent off to transcription. The voice capability requires little training, so healthcare providers can begin using it immediately.

As Teges President, Chris White, emphasizes, “Capturing patient data at the point of care is considered critical in saving lives. With the video and voice modules, we are offering an innovative and powerful way for physicians to take care of their patients.”


“Capturing patient data at the point of care is considered critical in saving lives. With the video and voice modules, we are offering an innovative and powerful way for physicians to take care of their patients.”

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