
Secure, innovative and collaborative systems for real-time dialogue about mission-critical and day-to-day issues. Most federal agencies use top level encryption to protect these calls from any audio, video, or data tapping. Once a connection has been encrypted and the link has been established, security can rest and let the participants begin their call. This method of communication can be vital to leaders especially when dealing with hostile nations. Videoconferencing allows meetings to take place anywhere in the world, keeping it's participants on approved or more secure territory.

On both a federal and a state level, videoconferencing is finding significant use in in various judicial environments.

RPS Communications is proud to have been awarded a videoconference project from and through the state of Texas: VID # 176065626130


Real-time solutions meet the need for fast and direct communications for off shore rigs and energy companies. From exploration and processing, to marketing and retail selling, our innovative video communication systems help energy clients develop new fuel resources while reducing or eliminating unnecessary travel and personnel costs. Videoconferencing is also “green,” something that is vitally important to most energy companies. One of the most effective ways to reduce CO2 (carbon dioxide) emissions is to reduce unnecessary travel. The World Wildlife Fund has released two reports that demonstrate how videoconferencing dramatically reduces carbon emissions.


Healthcare solutions help reduce costs while delivering the freedon you need to maximize healthcare delivery. Because videoconferencing allows for real-time, two-way interaction, it’s a cost-effective alternative to traditional brick-and-mortar instruction. Videoconferencing has saved millions of dollars on travel time and provider value for hospitals and insurers. When a doctor bills at upwards of $500 per hour, you want that doctor’s travel time kept to a minimum, and his billable time kept to a maximum.


• video arraignments,
• parole hearings,
• remote testimonies,
• psychiatric evaluations and consultations
• rehabilitative distance learning programs

• Process troubleshooting
• Field station remote monitoring
• Medical assistance to remotely stationed employees
• Corporate training and orientation
• Communication with vendors and supply chain

• Primary and continuing education
• Knowledge exchange between and among physicians and with patients
• Live demostrations of the latest and best operating room and medical procedures

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